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Remembering their Sacrifices
get in touch

A red sign that says the american heart association.

A collage of military related images with the american flag.


Dear American Hero (A History)

Dear American Hero was started in 2006 while attending a Yellow Ribbon seminar a Air Force sergeant giving a presentation.  She said: “I’ve been back for 4 years now and when someone thanks me for my service, I get this feeling that is hard to describe.”  The next day after thinking over her comments, I came up with the “Thank You for Your Service and Dedication to our Country” business sized card.  I had about 1,500 of those cards printed and out of cards I sent two cards down to Ross Perot Sr. (a great supporter of Veterans) and his son.  Three days later I received a call from Ross Perot Sr. and after answering a few questions about the cards he offered to pay for the printing of the first 1,000,000 cards.  Dear American Hero was born and received our 501 C3 non-profit status in early 2007.

Chaplain Col. John Morris was the inspiration for getting Dear American Hero started and the motivation today to keep it alive.  When you read the message on the back of both the Thank You card along with the Family card you will see his heart and love for our Heroes and their Families, he wrote those messages.  Chaplain Col. John Morris is the one person responsible for Dear American Hero above all others.  God Bless you Sir.

Around 2014 the card “For all those who wear a badge” was developed and received a very positive response.  Dear American Hero also designed and made 12,000 challenge coins to go along with the cards. Dear American Hero is close to sending out 12,000,000 cards at this point.  There are Patriots all over America everyday handing out the cards when coming across a Veteran, Law Enforcement or 1st Responders.  

We currently are developing a custom coin holder for our challenge coins like the one pictured below.

Please take the time to read some of the Heartwarming stories on our “Stories” page.

 Dick Glasgow, Founder, Dear American Hero

Here is a song that has touched the Hearts of so many Veterans.  It was given to me by a Radio Station in Washington State.  They commissioned the song for the group of Patriots at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport who were Welcoming Home the Military coming back from Iraq during leave.  The song was written and song  by Rory Freek.

A wooden award with the seal of the city of los angeles on it.

Around the coin…”Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God Matthew 5:9

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